
Cover Girl

Ok, So I have no idea if this will be the final cover, but I'm pretending that it is for now.

That's my Ghanzi Cardigan on the Fall 09 cover of Interweave Crochet.

I was so excited that I called my mom* immediately over and said, "that's me!"

I'll tell you more about the design when the magazine goes on sale in a few weeks.

*Since I mentioned my mom being around, I might as well let you know that we are in the home stretch for CJ's debut. She can come anytime now, but will definitely be here on Friday. (I'm getting induced on Friday, so no matter what she'll be here by early Saturday.) Since we are so close now, I'll be offline for a while. I'm going to enjoy these last few days hanging out with Mom and then the first couple of days with just Mr CBF, mom, and CJ. I'll pop back in quick to let you know that we're fine and whatnot, but I'll be pretty out of touch for a while. Hope all your projects are going great and I'll see you on the other side shortly.


Anonymous said...

Oh that's very exciting! Good luck!

Trina said...

Awesome cover! Can't wait to get that issue!!

Way Out Wear said...

Good for you! It looks fabulous!

And enjoy your time off - we'll be here waiting for you!

Anonymous said...

All the best with the birth! We'll be here for the news afterwards.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely lovely! I willbe sure to put it high on my list of fall crocheting.

Yarndancer said...

Awesome cover! Well done!

Good luck with the birth!!

Jess said...

Love that sweater!

Good luck with everything this week! I was due to be induced on Thurs., but my little man showed up yesterday (his due date, ironically enough). Happy times ahead!!!

Robyn said...

Congratulations, Jesse! Hope you and baby are doing well.

Thank you everyone!

Unknown said...

I just got my issue today! It's a lovely top! Oh, and that is what the cover looks like, no changes (that I noticed). The Chicken-foot stitch looks like its great for this pattern! I'll have to try it sometime. :) Good luck with CJ! I hope she's here & all is well!

pldrake said...

What fun to discover the creator of a pattern I'm planning to use, once I get through my Holiday gift crocheting! Congratulations.