Its a good time to be a designer - UPDATED
Goodness Gracious. There are a bunch of yarn companies that need our brilliant ideas. Come join me in sharing our talents. Here's a list of some open designer calls:
South West Trading: Calling all sock designers, knit or crochet. Check out Kat's blog for more details. Oh and did you all hear about the "Craft, Rock, Love" yarn being developed with Vickie Howell? Oh my, its going to be yummy.
Needful Yarns: "Be a designer"contest for any project that uses their yarn. Payment is in yarn, but who can't have enough of that?
Crochet-A-Day Calendar: Then, of course, there is the crochet calendar for 2008 that needs a ton of designs. Great way for a first time designer to get a break.
Cherry Tree Hill: Looking for sock designers as well in their "pot luck" contest. Winner gets yarn replaced+ 300$. Down side- appears to only want knitted designs.


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