
Crochet Noro

Crochet Noro: 30 Dazzling Designs is now listed for sale at Amazon with a great peek inside the book.

You will be able to see the fantastic projects that put to rest you can't use variegated yarn with crochet.  That is simply not true will all the beautiful projects shown.

this book is pretty special to me, because not only was I able to include a design (the lace scarf shown here) but I was asked to help edit and draw for the book.  I edited 10 of the projects and drew crochet diagrams and schematics.  It was a really nice challenge to work on the project I must say.

It was fantastic to get all those projects in my hot little hands!

I can't wait to get the actual book in my hands!  There are a ton of projects from Yoko Hatta who designs all in crochet symbols which I loved editing (it was so easy).  You can tell she truly thinks about how her projects will be put together too, so many are so logical it is brilliant 


Purple Stitch Project Auction

Up for auction this week are a few of my crochet samples.  All the proceeds will benefit the Purple Stitch Project.

The following are the actual projects (not the patterns) that are listed for sale:

Sorbet Scarf from Crocheted Gifts.

Vera Tunic from Pop Goes Crochet

Mari Nursing Wrap (cut project from Baby Blueprint)

You have 3 days to bid.  The prices are still very reasonable, and would certainly help any early holiday shopping you need to do!


Shhh... It's still a sort of secret, but listed on Amazon!

My current book project is now listed on Amazon. Ahh!

Blueprint Crochet Sweaters: Techniques for Custom Construction

Granted, it doesn't come out till next spring.  But I was too excited not to show you the listing.  Since there is no cover yet, I thought you would like some sneak peeks.  You can read the description on Amazon, I will say that I am not sure I lived up too all that hype.  But I tried!

The book is finished editing and is in the capable hands at Interweave getting all pretty.  As you know I do all my own graphics, but they make it a real book and make it look pretty.  I have seen some of the photography and it is crisp and modern.  The models are all great, they look like they could be your neighbors.  I love that.  Especially when I write women's garments, I like the models to look like someone I would know.  Makes me want to try a pattern out more.  I haven't seen the cover or what the insides will look like yet.  I get the galley to review in a few weeks, so just have to sit tight til then.

To be totally honest, I don't know what we were able to include yet  either.  So many times when you write a book, it has to be condensed to fit in the page count. I think we did fine this time, but who knows.  What I can tell you is that there are a bunch of garments made from either classic, granny motif, top down, or unusual construction.  I have lessons throughout on how to deal with getting the right fit for you, so that can be anything from cap shaping on sleeves to making an in-between size.  I also have lessons on how to deal with oops like when your project wants to grow (stretches out of control) or cleaning up wonky edges.

I really tried to take the stress out of garments.  You guys know me, and I think everyone can make great crochet projects.  You just need to have the confidence that you can handle any bump along the way.  And hopefully, this book helps you deal with a lot of those bumps.  

Can't wait to share more!


Gauging the Hooks

Brands can change the gauge.
Originally uploaded by rchach

I am test running a bunch of Tunisian hooks side by side and the biggest thing that surprises me is the gauge results.

The yarn is all Cascade 220 Superwash, and the stitch pattern is the same. The hook size is all K/10.5 (6.5mm). The hook brands are all different.

The blue swatch is Crochet Master Plus, the pink Knitters Pride, the gray Denise. Amazing how different, each are at least 1/4" in width off from each other.  Each are a different material, Denise is plastic, KP is wood, CMP is aluminum (with wood tip), and Tulip (not pictured) is bamboo.   I have more to share with you soon (as soon as I can get through a few deadlines). Very interesting though so far.

Crochet Scarves Winner

Congrats to crazymotheringchick for winning the copy of Crochet Scarves .  Julie, I sent you an email to get you your book- hope you enjoy!


Crochet Scarves: Fabulous Fashions - Various Techniques

Book Review:
Crochet Scarves: Fabulous Fashions, Various Techniques

This great book came to my doorstop last week from Sharon.  We got to spend 10 minutes talking at TNNA before I had to run to help a friend.  I can tell you she is so nice and I really am looking forward to getting to pick her brain again.  You might be familiar with her two other books, Crochet Pillows and Tunisian Crochet.

Grecian Ladders, Crocheted Scarves, Sharon Silverman
This book, Crochet Scarves, is just as lovely as her previous ones.  Here she takes the form of a scarf to teach a ton of fun techniques using both traditional and Tunisian Crochet.  I am quite a fan at all the photo tutorials in the book.  You know how much words can confuse, and having a photo of exactly what you should do at that point in the pattern is great!  You can see from the photo (on the right) of the bind off of the Grecian Ladders Scarf that the photos are extremely clear to follow.   What is also clear to follow are the stitch diagrams!  There are stitch diagrams for all the scarves from shells to Tunisian you will find them.  I love having diagrams and I am so glad the publisher was able to include them.  It really makes the book quite handy.

Sea Splash, Crochet Scarves, Sharon Silverman
Inside you will find 21 scarves, like the very pretty Sea Splash you can see (on the right).  7 are Tunisian, 1 is broomstick, and the remaining are traditional crochet.  Now, keep in mind even in the traditional crochet, Sharon adds a ton of fun twists.  So there will be a bunch of fun new techniques to check out.  I will say though, I am totally partial to all the Tunisian patterns.  I adore the plaid scarf on the cover.  I just love slip stitch embroidery for plaid, it makes such a great statement. Plus, the Grecian Ladders stitch pattern is one of my favorites.  It looks really cool if you do it in plastic for placemats (almost like it was a basketweave).

If you get a chance, mosy over to Sharon's Website.  You will see all her books there, but you can also see her pattern line.  I am quite in love with Moonmist.  Is that not beautiful?

The publisher gracious will be giving away one copy of the book to you!  Leave a comment here (on twitter, or raverly).  I will draw a winner at random on Monday.  Good luck!

Q and A with me over at CT blog

Crochet Today interviewed me for their blog series on crochet designers.  It was super fun and I hope you enjoy it!

I laughed b/c they say they are my fangirls, when I am theirs for sure.  I love that the magazine uses yarn that is affordable for everyone and still makes great projects.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE crocheting with luxury fibers too; but in my daily life I rarely have the budget.  And really, I will crochet with anything if it has been sitting around long enough (plastic, thread, wire, t-shirts, paper, you name it!).  I just love the colorful fun vibe they put out in every issue.  I always get a smile when I open any issue of theirs.

Crochet Today has something for you guys too!  They have a subscription offer for you, 20% off the regular price!

The coupon code is today2012 which gives customer 20% off the regular one year subscription price of $19.95 (US). 

Please have customer enter coupon code today2012 at Checkout.  Here is a link: http://bit.ly/Order_Crochet_Today

Rose also had another surprise for us too:
And here's a link to a FB photo of a yarnbomb I did with one of your stitch patterns: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151288899164972&set=a.10150448362069972.456788.600399971&type=3&theater 

Love it!