
Shout Out

I haven't gotten to listen yet*, but Mary Beth Temple chatted about working on Vogue Knitting Crochet Issue on the Webs Podcast.  She said she gave Charles Voth and I a shout out on the podcast.  He and I drew most of the diagrams.  It was great working with Charles, we had (or at least I did ;)) fun going back and forth coming up with symbol standards and chart standards for the diagrams.  Ok back to work!

Side note:
*Its one of those weeks that the to do list is going up instead of down; and I'm working around the clock.  But that's the way with edits, you send off a bunch of comments and you know you will be getting a bunch back.  Only happens to be Mr CBF's busy time too, so I'm doing solo parenting while working like a nut.  I need to put a sign on my door : "if you are older then 5, you need to ask me if I have had coffee; before you talk to me."  I can handle the "why" phase E is in pretty well, since I am so forgetful that it actually helps her asking over and over and over "why, what, how, when?".

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