Son of a Stitch n' Bitch Preview
It's out. I have not gotten my copy, and when I do I'll let you know what I think. But since its from Debbie Stoller, you know its going to be fantastic. Still, I couldn't wait any longer to show off what I have inside.
The Blueprint Vest, or at least I think that's what we decided on naming it. Naming patterns is one of my most hated parts of designing. I have the worst time summarizing a whole design in a title. Debbie helped me out here with brainstorming ideas, thank goodness. I think the first name I had was Jack Hill- which is after my nephew who inspired me to make a grown-up version of a vest I made him. The vest is fun and pretty easy once you master linked stitches. I used Mission Falls 1824 wool in the vest, which is a great superwash wool. Its soft and has great drape. Its worsted to bulky weight- I think the hook is either a J or a K. So you know the vest will move pretty quickly off your hook. oh, and have you checked out their colors? Aren't they great?
The photography is great, and perfect for the vest. I get a good laugh out of the mug shot of my poor hubbie I made him do before I sent it off. Can't wait until i get my hands on the book. But you can get yours anytime over at amazon.
**edited to add** I received my copy of the book this weekend. I was thrilled with the quality of the patterns- the photography- and schematics. I was not head over heels for the all patterns, though. Carol has a honest review on her site and I agree with it wholeheartedly. There are 4 crocheted patterns, just like she says. Peter's crocheted sweater is quite handsome, although the men in life are not into turtlenecks. The news boy hat is fantastic too.**
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