
Operation Get'em

Operation Get'em- Day Two
Originally uploaded by rchach.

For those of you wondering why I haven't posted new patterns and sketches in a little while, life around CBF Casa has been a little nutty. Besides our usual nutty of holding down 2 careers, writing a book, renovating the house (by the way what color do you like?), and general other merriment; we are at WAR.

This "cute" (quoting my husband "oh, yes so cute until you get close and he claws you") fat guy is one of what we expect as many raccoons that have been pestering us for a few months. They have gotten into and made a wreck of all our and our neighbors' garbage. (More like the entire street worth of garbage cans) The neighborhood is almost comical with peppers and eggs in everyone's yards. We look like we are setting out for some odd Easter egg hunt with egg shells, peppers, bananas, and tomatoes as the prizes. I was accepting of having to lock up the garbage, and deal with these and other annoyances (snakes, deer, bugs, etc); because our neighborhood backs to a beautiful park. But I have changed.

My final straw was when one of these buddies tried to scratch Faye. (She was doing no more then going out to pee in her own yard.) That's it. You don't mess with my dog. So Operation Get'em is in full effect. We have caught 4 guys in 3 nights. I can truly say I am totally creeped out by how many have been "living" with us in our urban area. And I never thought I would say this, but Thank goodness for Animal control. Hopefully in a few days, Faye can go out to play in her tiny yard without me worried that these guys are going to attack her. And once I stop worrying, I am sure the flood gates of crochet with be back in action.

Operation Get'em is on.


normanack said...

I love raccoons. I really do. But I know what you mean -- they can be a nuisance and even dangerous if there are too many of them or they are too bold.
Back when I was little, raccoons regularly beat up my cat (I don't know who started the fights). And my current dog got bitten on the nose by a raccoon on our deck. Boy did he howl! (He's fine -- it wasn't a bad bite.)
Luckily the raccoons mostly stay out in the woods hereabouts. Good luck getting yours well away.

Unknown said...

Some shade of blue. to go with the burnt orange floor and tan drapes. Maybe a light ish, grey-ish blue. But don't trust me, my husband chooses all the colors for our house.

Robyn said...

thats funny, Ellen! So does mine!