2 steps forward, 1 step back
We had quite the weekend planned.
We were going to go to Chicago and see the river turn green, enjoy a pint with my bro, and eat ourselves silly in Greektown.

Always trying to be positive, I thought I should taking the opportunity to make headway on the bathroom and ugly window. I spent Saturday doing the prep; caulking, spackling, sanding (I love wet sanding), and priming; while looking out the ugly window at the pretty sky. Great progress made. So I pulled the hubbie from the dead corpse of a once called computer, and we headed out for a nice dinner. Yummy!
Well, sometime that night while I slept little gnomes must have crept in and temporary good away my ability to reason. Because when I woke up I painted the bathroom this color, then to make matters worse, I painted it like this. Maybe I was channeling 1986 or Harry Potter or trying to make the inside match the outside. Who knows. All I know is that it was awful. (I tend to think that a good designer, has the ability to be wildly creative, and still realize that in the end their vision was terrible. Or at least that's what I'm sticking to)

So in the end, the cancelled trip didn't really give me a finished bathroom; but I got a good laugh and I think that's all we can ask for.
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