Crafter-noon: Come Make Jewelry with Me!
What are you doing July 19?
How about joining me in crafting the afternoon away making some crochet wire jewelry. No crochet or jewelry skilled needed! I will teach you everything you need to make your own fantastic pieces. Bring a friend and we will have a blast crafting, chatting, and enjoying Greenfield's most charming cafe. Between you and me, I will let you know that it is very hard to pass up Staghorn's great selection of scones, soups, quiche, and coffee; as well as their amazing garden and organic themed gifts. So best to come hungry and ready to have a great afternoon with friends!
Come join local crochet designer, Robyn Chachula (that's me!), in making
wire bead crochet jewelry. No crochet or jewelry skills required.
I will guide you through everything you need to know from basic crochet
chain stitch to the simple jewelry techniques to make your very own unique
jewelry. If you have a passion for crafting, come spend the afternoon
playing with beads and wire with us. Just be warned, crochet wire jewelry
can be very addicting best to bring a friend to share in the fun!
Keep up to date, and invite friends at Staghorn's facebook page.
Hope to see you there!
How about joining me in crafting the afternoon away making some crochet wire jewelry. No crochet or jewelry skilled needed! I will teach you everything you need to make your own fantastic pieces. Bring a friend and we will have a blast crafting, chatting, and enjoying Greenfield's most charming cafe. Between you and me, I will let you know that it is very hard to pass up Staghorn's great selection of scones, soups, quiche, and coffee; as well as their amazing garden and organic themed gifts. So best to come hungry and ready to have a great afternoon with friends!
CRAFTER-NOON: Crochet Wire Jewelry

Date: July 19th , 4-6pm
Location: Staghorn Home and Garden Café, Greenfield Ave,
Supplies: Bring 28 gauge wire, clasp, and an
assortment of beads; or buy a kit from Robyn for 15$ at the class.
Keep up to date, and invite friends at Staghorn's facebook page.
Hope to see you there!
1 comment:
يقوم الدكتور محمود ناصر بعلاج الدوالي بدون جراحة او الم حيث انه يتم علاج الدوالي بدون جراحة بتقنية الكلاكس الحديثة التي يعتمد فيها علي الدمج بين حقن الدوالي وعلاجها بالليزر في ان واحد مع عمل تبريد شديد للجلد واستعمال كاشف للاوردة، فتحقق اعلي نتائج العلاج للدوالي ولا تعود ثانيةً
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