
Book Review: Sugar and Spice: Six Bakery-Inspired Crochet Fashions

Linda Permann has done it again with this great collection of crochet projects using Malabrigo yarn.  Malabrigo yarn is amazingly pretty.  You just want to eat it up!  Adding Linda's style, the projects are just fantastic!

This book is an eBook that you can download over at Ravelry.  I love paper books, but I have found that when I really want to crochet, I want it in e-form.  I can never remember to grab that book or mag, but I always have my phone (which I can open PDFs on).  So for me, having this book as a PDF download is great.

Pizzelle Beret, Linda Permann


And this collection, is definitely a book.  Everything is professionally edited, photographed, and laid out.  Anything you might need explained is described in detail as you would expect with Linda's patterns.  The only thing missing is crochet diagrams, which is a bummer still it is worth it for the lovely projects.

Piped Petals Cardigan, Linda Permann
Speaking of projects, there are 6 of them in all.  2 hats, 1 shawl, 2 cardigans, and 1 cowl.  My favorites are the Piped Petals Cardigan, which I got to see in person this summer.  It is a brilliant top down design.  I love the use of post stitches she employs while you are increasing the yoke.  It is a cardigan that I would love to wear all fall and winter long.  I also am in love with her Pizzelle Beret.  Is that design on the top not brilliant.  I saw it and thought there is no way that is crochet, but of course it is.  Amazing work!

You can download the collection over at Ravelry.  You can also enter to win a copy of the collection by leaving a comment here on the blog (or sending me a tweet or email), about what is your favorite project from the collection.  I will pick a winner on Monday and send you an email (so make sure there is a way I can contact you!)

Cherry Cobbler Beanie, Linda Permann
Tart Shrug, Linda Permann

Sugar Sparkles Shawl, Linda Permann
Cocoa Wafer Cowl, Linda Permann


Melissa said...

These are suuuch charming patterns! (Plus, I'm obsessed with baking. So, extra-tempting!) Completely in love with the Sugar Sparkles Shawl, and that color is perfect for it. ( anandadaydream at gmail dot com )

Anonymous said...

Although it's miles over my current ability, I love the Piped Petals Cardigan.

Anonymous said...

I love everything in this ebook, but the Petals cardigan is definitely my favorite. I love how delicate and wearable each of the pieces are - they are all things that I could envision in my wardrobe. Once my sister and mother see these patterns I know exactly which ones they are going to request!

Thanks for sharing with us!

June (planetjune) said...

The designs are all beautiful, but I think my favourite is the Piped Petals Cardigan, for that lovely yoke!

Kimberly and Abby said...

I love the Piped Petals Cardigan, but my favorite is the Pizzelle Beret. :-)

mylab1122 on Ravelry

carmelvineyard said...

I'm a little awed by the Pizelle beret too! Loving the yoke on the Piped Petals Cardigan, and also loving the Sugar Sparkles shawl/scarf. But I am awed by the Cocoa Puff Cowl- what a great pattern for the yarn!!! (So, I can't decide on one.)

PATRLC said...

Gorgeous projects! I too love the Piped Petals Cardigan and the hats are great too. More projects to add to my ever increasing queue:)

Monisha said...

All the designs are beautiful. My favorite is the Piped Petals Cardigan. I need to add more cardigans to my wardrobe.

ravID: nikbleu

Sweet Seahorse said...

I just love making hats, so I think my favourite is the Pizzelle Beret. I've made a few of Linda's patterns and they are great.
xXx Helen

Kacy said...

I love them all, but if I need to pick just one, I'll go with the Cocoa Wafer Cowl--the texture!! It looks so warm, squishy, and fun to crochet.

Katelyn said...

I really love that sugar sparkel shawl! This looks like another great collection of patterns! Thanks for the chance to win!-kateyhbf@gmail.com

Jenee said...

I like all of the patterns and the sugar sparkle shawl is my favorite. Thanks for the chance to win the patterns! Jeneer on ravelry

Kim said...

I love the Sugar Sparkles Shawl. I'm a crocheter and my husband is a baker so I love this theme!

Melody said...

I like Cherry Cobbler Beanie.


MimiD said...

The Sugar and Sparkles Shawl is my favorite. What a great way to use Malabrigo Sock. (MimiD on Ravelry)

MArdelean said...

Love the Tart Shrug! But I'm also amazed at the way the Cherry Cobbler Beanie looks like a woven pattern you'd achieve with a floor loom.

mjkoch (at) syr (dot) edu

bibi said...

It's really beautiful patterns. And my fav goes to the shawl.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to leave a contact - oops!

Rav ID - claypottery12

KaitLavin said...

Tough choice! I love the beret and the sugar sparkle shawl!

Anonymous said...

I love the Pizzelle Beret! (cnuland on Rav)

Lacey said...

The piped petals cardi. I saw that come up on the newly added patterns on rav. and didn't even realize it was crochet! I have issues with crochet and how it normally looks so bulky and weird sometimes (for me anyway) that I wouldn't want to wear it as a garment. Except for this collection. EVERYTHING makes me rethink my position on crochet for garments. Whaaat? I love that.

venutianbeauty on Rav

Susan said...

I love the cardigan, but think I'd make the sugar sprinkles shawl first, i love the idea of the beads. sbk_ca@yahoo.com

inkberryblue said...

I love Linda Permann's designs. The Sugar Sparkles Shawl is gorgeous but I like the Piped Petals Cardigan the most. I'm really taken by the cardie's pretty yoke, it's top down construction and it's light, hand painted yarn.

Thanks Robyn. =>
Fiona ~ inkberryblue@gmail.com (I'm inkberryblue on Ravelry too.)

inkberryblue said...

Aaaargh! I hate making grammatical mistakes! That should be "its pretty yoke, its top down construction and its light yarn." =P