Turning the Page
Over the weekend I traded in my red pen for colored pencils and balls of yarn.
August was officially editing month. All three books where in some stage of editing at once. It was a bit batty keeping them all straight, especially since things like "blp" and "blo" are different book to book. Now that syntax and most of the math are sorted for 2 of the 3 books, it is time to start #4. Right?

Right. Isn't that what you all do? Finish one huge job and move straight into the next. Well, I do.
I haven't had a planning binge in quite a while. Actually the last one was at my old house, so over a year at least. Our dining room table looked like a mess for most of the weekend, until late on Sunday when I had a plan. I always think it is funny that I sketch, swatch, and pull out inspiration; then have to throw most of it out. To boil it all down into a cohesive book. On the wall of the studio are folders hanging for each project in the book. I am a visual person, so I need to see my lists in graphic form. I have the sketch, yarn choice, color, and swatch all in the clear folder just staring at me. They will stay up until I finish the book (or I decide to finally paint... the yellow walls are starting to talk to me.)
Right now its the quiet before the storm. I have the designs chosen and yarns ordered. I have my task list for September worked out (10 projects to design and make in 30 days). Of course, I can't take a real break though. I still have 2 more projects to write up for Knit and Crochet Now (especially since the new season will start airing in a few months!) Besides Sept is only 2 days away.
Hopefully, even though I have the new book starting, I am hoping to be able to have time to blog a bit more about life and writing again. We will see.
I think it's great to have so many ideas and inspirations that you can barely keep up with them all!!
I love your craft room! Looks like a nice setup. My dining room table is my craft table lately. :)
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