
BBC Tour Stop: Crocheting with Dee

When I first got into crocheting, I would spend my lunch hour hunting around the web looking for patterns and anything to do with crocheting and yarn. I happened to Dee's blog naturally, and stayed a follower from her warm and infectious personality. Her title of the cheerleader of crochet is so appropriate. Dee is constantly looking for and researching new and creative ways crochet is used or stitches can be combined. If you are ever close enough to take one of her classes, you will learn a ton more about stitches then you ever thought possible.

Dee was kind enough to review Baby Blueprint today, and you can ask her too first hand about the writing of patterns too. You can see she made the dino applica from the Callam sweater as a bookmark for her son. I think that is fabulous! I can't wait to see what all of you do with the patterns too.

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