TNNA craze
Life over here is totally topsy turvy.
I got back from TNNA to a craze of getting our house ready for House Hunters to film it on Friday. Yes, that's right. Last friday House Hunters filmed our house for their show on HGTV. Crazy! Babe and I were not there, we flew out to DC this past weekend for a little vacation with our best friends and their new little peanut. We now are in PA looking for houses, so I to me TNNA seems like months ago since we have been all over the place. Can it be that it was only a week ago I got back? That can't be.
In my usual state, I packed as much as possible into one simple weekend at TNNA. There was filming for Knitting Daily TV, teaching, book signing, setting up and taking care of the Stitch Coop booth; plus the usual catching up with designers and checking out all the new yarn and tools. It was so whirlwind, and so much fun.Here are a couple of snip-its of the weekend.
I got to hang out a bunch with Linda Permann. She's the author of Crochet Adorned and the former editor of Adorn Magazine. She has a new crochet book she is working on and should be out this spring. I got to see some sneak preview shots, and you will DEFINITLY want this book. But besides all that, she is super nice. She even brought her version of the Paige Sweetheart top for me to see. How awesome is she?I also got to meet the creative team behind Petite Purls. In case, you haven't heard of them they are the online knitting magazine devoted to baby and kids. Now, what I didn't know is that they have a crochet corner in every issue. So you definitely need to add them to your RSS feed to keep up with what's going on. Their summer issue's cover cutie I got to hang out with at TNNA and made me miss CJ a bit less which was wonderful. Nothing like a little giggling to make you feel better when you miss yours. Oh, and you need to check out their feature on Renaissance Moms. Very inspiring!
And it wouldn't be TNNA without a little swag. I limited myself this time in not picking up everything I saw. I thought Mr CBF may loose it if I brought home any more yarn while we are trying to move. But the few things I did get were awesome. Blue Sky and Spud and Chloe [love all of their yarn to crochet with too] gave me a set of beautiful double pointed needles (since I knit socks to relax) and a cute bag with laundry soap inside. So perfect! Cari at Caron [naturally caron is another one of my new favs to work with too] gave me a Tulip hook to test out. And I am SO excited about it. It has the throat and curve that I like on my hooks and I can't wait to try it out. CJ has already given it the stamp of approval (by trying to eat it).
Well in usual fashion, I have to run out and will have to finish the rest of my TNNA round up later. We are in the throws of house hunting in Pittsburgh this week. So I am, as usual, doing 10 things at once.
Hope the start of all of your summer's have been going well! More soon when life gives me a second.
Good luck with the house hunt. My fingers are crossed that you find something perfect this time!
Rowan loved meeting you too :) Turns out she was dropped two TEETH over TNNA weekend, geez! No wonder the poor thing was frustrated, she's never like that when i take her out! Lovely meeting you!! :D I ordered your book yesterday from the interweave hurt book sale, hah!
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