Miss me? I missed you guys!
Sorry I was so quiet for so long.
Let's just say, writing a book during my last trimester and first 3 months of CJ was not the smartest decision I have ever made. And well, that 3 months had to turn into 4. I think for the last 3 weeks I literally spent every minute writing or crocheting or sewing when I didn't have my hands full with CJ. Literally. I have not returned any emails or im's and they are a mountain I wouldn't wish on any of you.
Good news is that the book is all turned in! Yeah! and a few months from now you guys will get to see what I have been obsessing over.
Till then I have a couple of sneak preview shots for you.
I'll try to post a few more soon. But tonight I'm going to kick back and crochet something for fun.
Hope your crafting has been going great!
welcome back! I've missed you.
Oh my gosh but you've been o busy! I don't know how you accomplished it all. Welcome back!!
Well done! Congratulations.
Please telle the publisher to speed up, I am so excited to see your book :-)
I'm so glad you're back! Just last night when I was up late with my own baby, I was wishing for a blog update. Congrats on finishing!
Glad you're back - and so excited about the new book! Happy times with your little one!
I can't wait; the pictures are enticing. I hope you get some rest now, or at least as much as you can with a little one around!
Just found your blog by accident - so pleased to see the items from Inside Crochet - particularly the cardigan which looks so much better in your stone colour than the sickly blue that they put it in.
Also really helpful to have that pic of the R Chachula cardi - just gotta get the blueprint book for that alone!
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