
Sneak Preview: New Book 5

Today's peek into the new book is a funny one for me. The project totally makes me chuckle every time I walk by. You will understand when you see it a year from now, till then you will have to take my word for it.

Diane helped me crochet it, and in a dizzying short amount of time. I think it was about a week from sending her the yarn to her sending it back. (So I do have a ton of projects in the book that are going to be very short timewise- which makes me really happy) The yarn is Spud and Chloe Sweater (that's the new yarn line by Blue Sky Alpaca). It is great! Some washable wools can be a bit pilly, but this was great to work with and I just love that I can toss it in the wash. How great for garments! Oh, and the yardage is huge. Really well done in my opinion. Anyway, this project also uses my favorite (of the moment) stitch pattern. I think I have 3 projects going on (2 that are for me) that use this pattern. It is just a fun one to crochet.


Anonymous said...

So excited!

Sidsel said...

That is such a great pattern! Is it from a book? If it is could you reveal which one, cause I can't wait to try it out. Would be perfect for a garment I have in mind.
Your book looks very promising - interesting tecniques! :-)

Best wishes