Crochet Today! March/ April 2008
I got a nice surprise in the mail this week. It was my designer's copy of the new Crochet Today!
I love being able to paw through all the projects and articles before its announced on the website. I feel so special.
I have a couple friends in this issue too, which is just so much fun to see what they have been doing as well.
Ellen has 2 blankets. Both are lovely. I got to play with the one* at TNNA, and I can tell you first hand it is beautiful!
Hope you enjoy the issue when you get it. I think it comes out around the 13th of Feb.
*Ravelry link. If you aren't a member, sign up! It's an awesome site.
I got my subscription copy in the mail one day last week. I really like the boy's sweater, although I don't have any little boys in my family to make one for, just baby boys. Maybe it'll be a pattern to tuck away for future use...
your sweater is fab! :)
I really liked the sweater! I was going to message you on crochet me to let you know I saw it, but I guess a blog comment is just as good. I really like it, if I showed it to my brother, he'd probably BEG me to make it!
Chelsea from Crochetme
I saw the sweater in the magazine too and also love it! I have a 5 year old son and it is SO hard trying to find crochet clothing patterns for him, so it was great seeing that sweater! I think it's hard in general to find crochet patterns for "older" (kindergarten age and up) kids - why is that?
I just knew that you made this pattern. I am making one for my nephew starting next week. :)
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