
The Crocheted Prayer Shawl Companion + Giveaway

Next up is not really a new design at all. It is the Lucky Clover Shawl from my pattern line.

The new part is where you can find it. It is now published along with a number of other beautiful shawls in The Crocheted Prayer Shawl Companion. The book is filled with lovely shawls, something for every skill level. I also contributed a little story about dealing with loss and how crochet can not only keep you warm but can fill your hands and your head to help you through difficult times.

There are shawls from very well known designer and some new ones. I like the mix of easy and difficult in the book. I should warn you, it does not have stitch diagrams.

My favorite shawl in the book is Nicky Epstein's Royal Leaf Shawl. You can see it below. I love shawls that button or close in some fashion.

Giveaway: The nice publishers gave me 2 copies to give away! Leave a comment (or send me an email) on your favorite thing to crochet as gifts by Thursday, Aug 26th at midnight. I'll pick 2 winners next Friday. Good Luck!


Kathy said...

The idea of a prayer shawl is so lovely in a number of ways. One of the most touching is knowing that someone worked and touched every stitch with care. And I agree: the Royal Leaf Shawl is so pretty!

Walden said...

I love the idea of a prayer shawl, haven't gotten around to making one yet though. I love to crochet blankets and washcloths.

DesiLoop said...

My favorite thing to crochet as gifts is a cardigan. I know it takes time to make one, but I kind of like giving it since I know it will be used a lot.

Lorena said...

I would really like to make a prayer shawl for everyone in need of a prayer! but I've still to make one...soon I hope.

Anonymous said...

I love making face-cloths as a gift. Simple and easy, and more likely to be used than some other gifts.

Unknown said...

What beautiful designs! I am always looking for shawl designs that are simple yet beautiful. I prefer crocheting them to knitting as I can actually finish them in a timely fashion. Would love to have one for going in for surgery next month.


Barb Ess said...

I try to make things that the recipient will like and use -- my mother likes washcloths, but my sister is more likely to use a hat. I haven't yet made a prayer shawl but always love them.

Anonymous said...

I love making baby blankets for gifts. Because they aren't too big, it's a good way to try out a new stitch. :)

BFromM said...

I like quick(er) things like hats and scarves so that I have some hope of actually finishing them before the event (and so that I don't worry too much about the recipient growing out of the gift if I need to stretch to another occurrance that needs a present)

Anonymous said...

That's so brilliant!! Prayer shawls and prayer afghans ARE actually my favorite things to crochet. It's nice to know when you wrap up in something it was created with God and love in mind...

Anonymous said...

I crochet quite a few things as gifts, though I have to say shawls are my favorite. My mom is a breast cancer survivor, and now that she's retired, she's part of a group that crochets and knits prayer shawls for the local hospital. I'm trying to follow in her footsteps, though because I work and go to school, time is an issue for me. (And there are so many great projects out there. . .) This looks like a really good resource for makings shawls for the prayer shawl ministry or just to give to friends to say "I care about you."

Kristine Mullen said...

My favorite thing to crochet as gifts is baby blankets and/or hats. I have made a couple of prayer shawls. These designs are beautiful.

Unknown said...

My favorite thing to crochet for a gift is afghans. Babies, Moms and just about everyone loves them. My boys love to snuggle into the ones my grandmother made for me. I love your blog and find all of your designs beautiful and unique. Thanks for the inspiration.

Unknown said...

I like making gifts I know the person receiving the gift will like. It could be a baby blanket for a new baby or a cool scarf for my mom. I like making them all! I just want the recipient to love it too.

Unknown said...

I tend to crochet blankets as gifts. Living in the Midwest, you can never have too many blankets!

Kate Price said...

my favourite thing to crochet is toys for new babies - I like to animals in thw wrong colour - eg a pink elephant. Kids hold onto their favourite toys for so long!

Me said...

I love to give baby blankets and scarves (to the non-babies..lol). I have given one shawl to a friend who had uterine cancer. She loved it, and I loved making it for her.

Thanks for this giveaway. I love following your blog (and your career!). It's wonderful that your engineering self has taken up the cause of symbol crochet. I find it so much easier then trying to follow written patterns.

Keep up the awesome work!

jsd said...

oooh! i love to make shawls and scarves for people on my gift lists. simply because they are warm & comforting.

thanks :)

Kim said...

My favourite crocheted gifts to make are hats. My younger relatives love slouchy hats and want one in every colour!

Sara said...

My favorite thing to crochet and to giveaway is prayer shawls! My friends 2 year old little boy died last year and I made three prayer shawls in three days for the family. They do help during times of grieving.

Great giveaway! Love your pattern.

Sandie said...

Favorite thing to crochet as gifts would be an afghan. I don't do a lot of crocheted gifts, however. Generally my crocheting is charity related and scarves and hats top that list. I did give one shawl as a gift and made one for my daughter to wear with her wedding dress in case it was nippy.

Hooked by Joy said...

We have a prayer shawl ministry at our church - would love to donate this book to the ladies working in this ministry!

IamSusie said...

My favorite things to crochet are flowers of all kinds. They look pretty as an extra gift on top of a wrapped package.

Elise said...

I absolutley love to make shawls, and my love started with a prayer shawl. The pattern was so simple and meditative I could think positive thoughts about the recpient while I crocheted! Robyn, I am huge fan!! I love crocheting hats and scarves for gifts. They can be simple (for guys) or elegant (for guys) or even both!

Vaughnde said...

I love making shawls and I made a few for Mother's Day gifts this year. I plan to make more as gifts for some of the elderly around town. Making shawls is so soothing and while I created them, I was praying for the person who would receive it. I love the look of your pink shawl with the green trim. Enter me in the giveaway please.

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit to your blog. My favorite thing to crochet as gifts are baby hats. They let me practice my stitches, as I'm new to crochet.

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing to crochet for gifts are hats. So far, I've made 5 preemie hats to give away. They let me practice my stitches, as I'm a beginner.

MareKnits said...

I like to make lace scarves as gifts. Crocheting is faster than knitting and the lace makes them special.

Hoot aka Jessy said...

I know so many people who would love a shawl like this. I have mostly given scarfs or blankets as gifts in the past though.

Terri said...

I've just "found" your blog and I love it! I've seen this book around, just haven't bought it yet. Please enter me in your giveaway too! My favorite thing to crochet as gifts is afghans.

X said...

Shawls are definitely my favorite gifts to crochet. I love not having to worry too much about size or gauge, and I love trying new (to me) lacy stitch patterns.

Elise said...

I love crocheting washcloths, scarves, and fingerless gloves as gifts. My mother loves doilies, though, so I make a lot of those for her.