Thank you again and again for bidding on my yarn! I am getting really close to having a manageable "studio" (spare room). I am postponing the last lot of items until next week after TNNA, so if you want some more of my bargain closet deals tune in next Tuesday (which also just happens to be my 30th birthday!)

Some of you may have been wondering what inspired me to start this virtual yard sale series, well I have been thinking a lot about community lately since I have been reading
Knitalong. I love my community, and I think its extra cool that my daily community has grown to include all of you. And that is the heart of the book. It's also why I asked you all to send me your favorite community events. Growing up my favorite was always our town's music festival. Everyone in the community would volunteer to help. It was late summer, and there's just something about a festival in the summer with good music and good (bad for you) food that I just can't resist. Now that I live far from home, I have come to adore online communities like
Ravelry where I can connect and chat and basically hang out with friends (most of who I never have met). What I found from all of you, is that even though our favorite community events differ, we all have a favorite. Speaking of which, I wanted to congratulate
Lauren; you are the winner of the collection of books from
last week. Send me an email and I'll mail them out to you.

In the package of books is knitalong. I hope you enjoy it!
Knitalong goes through crafting communities from WWII knitting socks to online communities today. My favorite section of the book is "Larissa's Knitalong Diary". At the top of each page is a spread of reader's versions of the same project. I love reading what inspired her to start the knitalong and the great versions that readers completed.

The other nice part of the book, besides the great stories behind knitalongs, is the projects. My favorite is this adorable pin cushion designed by Meshell Taylor.
So congrats Lauren! I think you'll find the book fun too. And thank you again guys, for being part of my community!
It's interesting how different people view community. Being at college and commuting four times a year (once to college and once home, and then once to the camp I work at over the summer, and home again) I don't have a very stable fiber community that is physical. However, Ravelry is fast becoming one of my favorite sites because it fills in a gap.
Wow, Robyn, thanks. I'll really enjoy sharing these books with my "Stitching Ladies". I'll drop you an email.
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