
Wish us luck!

We have great news here at Crochet By Faye headquarters!

We are jumping head first into two new totally fun projects this month for two fabulous magazines. That's right, for those of you keeping track, we are starting a new relationship with a truly fantastic crochet magazine. And since you know that I am a total blabber mouth, its.... Interweave Crochet! {BIG GRIN}

So you can see me in two bookstore mags, Crochet Today and Interweave Crochet next spring. Well, that's if I do a good job. So I sweetly ask you, Please send your good karma my way! I'll be needing all the good thoughts, wishes, and prayers I can get!

Why you ask? Well, if that's not enough on my plate this month. The family and I decided to start our remodel of our kitchen and (yes, that's and) bathroom this month. Smart, right? Well, women are good at multi-tasking, right? At least, I am hoping that my multi tasking skills are fantastic. I will be crocheting and writing like nuts, while sawing/ drilling/ painting up a storm. (Didn't know that I have 3 personalities did you? Yup, I'm a handywoman. Actually, I am a professional painter, well, at least I was during college; but handyman skills are like getting on a bike.) So that remodel, is a big deal in my world, because yours truly is driving the bus. But you really didn't think that I would take a back seat, did you? No, I didn't think so.

So be prepared Monday, to see some (hopefully) truly great kitchen demo photos.

Till then: Isn't this pretty? Yes, another swatch.

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